
Terry Lovelace
Terry LovelaceAuthor / Researcher
Incident at Devils Den, a true story …

Speaker Information

The complete story of the 1977 abduction of Terry and Toby from a remote campsite in Devils Den State Park, and two interrogations by special agents from the USAF Office of Special Investigation. The lecture includes compelling new information about the strange fate of Toby and recent revelations about an April 16, 2019 abduction from Terry’s Dallas home. The story of the June 2019 visit from To The Stars Academy investigator and host of the television series “Unidentified,” Luis Elizondo. The whole story plus never before told story of what happened after the publication of Devils Den in 2018. 

A PowerPoint presentation with images of unexplained injuries, strange contacts and the fallout from speaking and writing openly about alien contact. Included are how to spot telltale signs, subtle and not-so-subtle, that point toward alien abduction. Includes candid and amazing stories shared by other abductees. The presentation shows images of the 2012 x-rays and photographs of UFOs and military helicopters photographed over Terry’s home after Incident at Devils Den was published in 2018. Also discussed will be a visit by chief investigator Luis Elizondo from To The Stars Academy (TTSA) and host of the TV series “Unidentified” in June 2019. Also, clear evidence of an April 2019 abduction. Stunning images from Google-Earth showing the 1977 campsite as it exists today, a triangular shaped plateau clear-cut of vegetation. Never before seen images, new information and surprising updates.

Terry Lovelace is a lawyer, retired Assistant Attorney General for the American Samoan Territory and former State’s Attorney for Vermont. He served on active duty in the USAF from 1973 to 1979. In 1977 he and a coworker were abducted from an Arkansas State Park while remote camping.

In 2012 he retired and in October 2012 a routine x-ray discovered two anomalous objects deep inside his right knee. Retired from civil service and free to speak openly and write about his experiences, he published “Incident at Devils Den, a true story …” on Amazon in 2018. He speaks candidly at UFO conferences and campaigns for candid, honest disclosure.

Speaker’s Book: On Amazon